Your Search Results for Stegosaurus
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Stegosaurus - Dinosaur - Enchanted Learning Software 94%
Stegosaurus was a large herbivore from the Jurassic Period. It had a plated back and a spiked tail. Stegosaurus measured up to 26-30 feet long (8-9 m), about 9 feet tall (2.75 m), and weighed about 1-2 tons, but its small brain was the size of a walnut (weighing roughly 2.5 - 2.9 ounces (70 - 80 grams). Its skull was long and narrow; it had a toothless beak and small cheek teeth.
Found by: Direct Hit, EuroSeek, Excite, FAST Search, Infoseek, Lycos, Magellan  
Stegosaurus 93%
A site about a stegosaurus for younger children.
Found by: Excite, Google, Infoseek, Magellan, Netscape Netcenter, Yahoo! 93%
Images of Stegosaurus, Hartford, Connecticut, 1973, by Alexander Calder. Digital Imaging Project: Art historical images of European and North American architecture and sculpture from classical Greek to Post-modern. Scanned from slides taken on site
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WMNH - Dreamstar's Stegosaurus 92%
Dreamstar's Stegosaurus Scientific Name: Stegosaurus Phylum: Chordata Class: Dinosauria Ornithischian Copyright 1999 by Pan Terra Inc., PO Box 556, Hill City, SD, USA 57745. All rights reserved.......Tel or fax 605-574-4760
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Stegosaurus 90%
... Stegosaurus Back to Download-a-Dinosaur. ...
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Stegosaurus Activity Printout - 88%
Stegosaurus Activity Printout- for beginning readers. Enchanted Learning Software creates children's educational software games designed to stimulate creativity, learning,
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Dinosaur Land: Stegosaurus 88%
Stegosaurus Stegosaurus was about 30 feet long with a double row of triangular plates on the back.It was a herbivore. Late Jurassic Period. [Back] © Dinosaur Land, Inc., 1998. All Rights Reserved Designed by Visual Link Telecommunications
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Lesson Exchange: Dinosaur reports-4 blocks guided reading 88%
...0-307-11977-7 The Spike-Tailed Dinosaur Stegosaurus 0-307-11978-5......-8317-9377-5 Stegosaurus 0-8317-9375-9 Brontosaurus I let the kids...
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Stegosaurus Dinosaurs Page - Learn all about stegosaurus 86%
... Stegosaurus Dinosaurs Stegosaurus dinosaurs lived during the... ...the earth was covered by water. Stegosaurus was a plant eater (herbivore)...
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Stegosaurus picture 84%
Stegosaurus picture!
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Ivy's Dinosaur Coloring Book. (Stegosaurus). 84%
Ivy Joy's coloring pages for kids. Don't even bother clicking on this link unless you want to color the picture of a Stegosaurus.
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Stegosaurus 83%
Almost everyone is familiar with the Stegosaurus, a four-legged herbivore from the Mid-Jurassic to the Late Cretaceous time. Its two rows of bony ...
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Stegosaurus 83%
...see a picture of stegosaurus Stegosaurus by Zjahquan... ...means "plated reptile." Stegosaurus had a spiked tail that he...
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Encyclopedia Entry Stegosaurus 70%
enter a word or phrase: Explore the Almanacs, Dictionary and Encyclopedia! A Encyclopedia StegosaurusPronunciation: [stegusôr´us] (key)[Gr.,=roof lizard], quadruped vegetarian dinosaur of the Jurassic period. About 20 ft (6 m) long and
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Can I Have a Stegosaurus, Mom? : Can I? Please!? 62%
...Animals > Dinosaurs Can I Have a Stegosaurus, Mom? : Can I? Please!?......little boy begs his mother for a pet stegosaurus, carefully citing its...
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Did All the Dinosaurs Live Together, and At the Same Time? 58%
Dinosaur communities were separated by both time and geography. The "age of dinosaurs" (the Mesozoic Era) included three consecutive geologic time periods (the Triassic, ...
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Dinosaurs At The Smithsonian 52%
Photographs From Smithsonian Exhibits The Dinosaur Hall National Museum of Natural History The Dinosaur Hall at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC ==Smithsonian photo by Chip Clark. -- The bones of a fierce...
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Kids Dig 51%
Kentucky Kids Dig Earth Science This section is designed to acknowledge some of the earth science activities of students around the Commonwealth. If you would like to submit photographs or illustrations of original work from your classroom for posting on
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