Bird Feeder Cam Information

Boulder Creek, California Bird Feeder Webcam

The images are captured with a Logitech QuickCam Ultra Internet video camera. They are automatically uploaded to the web using ConquerCam software.

There are four bird feeders that hang from a line from the cabin to the redwood tree. Nearest the redwood is a plastic bottle with holes drilled along the bottom sides. Attached to the bottom of the bottle is a wooden plate to catch spilled seeds. It's filled with a sunflower seed mixture.

Next from the tree is a wire suet feeder. Suet is a hard rendered beef fat. It looks and feels a lot like butter except that it is white. Birds that like bugs also like suet. When you live in the woods it's nice to have birds around that like to eat bugs.

Next is a covered platform feeder. The cover is removed in the Spring and replaced in the Fall. Larger birds like the Jays and Grosbeaks use the platform feeder. They don't like it this close to the camera, but for free food they learn to deal with it.

The closest is the hummingbird feeder. It's filled with a mixture of four parts water to one part sugar. The mixture is then boiled and cooled before filling the feeder. You don't have to use any coloring in the water, the red plastic flower attracts the hummingbirds.

The lines you see running through the picture on the lower right are storm drain lines that keep some of the water from running through the cabin during the stormy winter months. Mourning doves can usually be found in this clearing but they are hard to spot with the video camera.

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